Raeford’s MVP, a Novel about Love, War and Redemption
Friends, fans and fellow writers, my latest novel, Raeford’s MVP is now available both in paperback and Kindle editions on Amazon. Here’s the direct link: http://amzn.to/1RMml1c. If you would like a signed copy you can contact me at rdestefanis@centurytel.net or if you live in the area, give me a call. The cost of the book is $16.95 and postage in the U.S. is around four bucks. The Kindle edition is $4.99. As always, your honest review posted on Goodreads at http://bit.ly/1n9oVRT and on Amazon will be very much appreciated. It also helps when you “share” this on your Facebook page along with your comments.

A novel about love, war and redemption.
Be forewarned: Raeford’s MVP is not a “thriller” like the first two novels. It’s actually classified as “literary.” I would characterize it more as mainstream general fiction, with elements of action and adventure. So, a book about a vet with post traumatic stress, that’s gotta be a real fun read, right? Well, I believe I made it work by giving the protagonist, Billy Coker, a sense of humor. He takes the reader back to his years in high school and his “misaligned” priorities with girls that landed his butt in Vietnam.
While entertaining readers, I hope Raeford’s MVP will open some eyes to the reality that has been characterized over the years as “shell shock,” “battle fatigue,” and a variety of other names. The “Post Traumatic Stress” terminology wasn’t actually coined until around 1980, and the syndrome itself was little recognized by the U.S. Military during the Vietnam War.
Lastly, I want to express my deepest appreciation to the “Tribe.” These are the Beta-Readers, Editors, Friends and Supporters who have given their precious time and efforts to help me spread the word about my novels and many who helped me get this particular novel into print. You know who you are, so I will not begin what would be a long list of names. Please send me your comments.