We have had a pair of Carolina Wrens nesting in the birdhouse on our covered deck for the last several weeks. They’ve continually brought insects to the nest to feed their hatchlings. Never seeing more than one little mouth at a time, my wife and I assumed there were no more than one or two of them but today we got a pleasant surprise.

Carolina Wrens have what is probably the most beautiful call of all the American songbirds, and this morning the mother and father wrens were unusually vocal as they perched around the deck warbling loudly. This behavior commonly occurs when they are attempting to call their babies off the nest for the first time, so I grabbed my camera and went out to record the event.
The little wrens began coming out and taking flight for the first time with dubious results. They landed on the side of the chimney, on the rack amongst the lawn sprinklers, on the cast iron pot and various other locations. They kept coming out until we lost count. We think there were at least five of them. The photos are posted here for your enjoyment.
Baby Wrens Everywhere
Oh, and speaking of birdhouses, if you have not read my latest novel, The Birdhouse Man, I hope you will consider it. I believe you will find the story entertaining and thought-provoking. If you have read it, leave me a review on Amazon. You can learn more about The Birdhouse Man, as well as my other novels, at https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B00H2YO2SS .
Rick DeStefanis