The Tallahatchie 2nd Edition is Now Available.

This is the new cover for the Tallahatchie 2nd Edition
Not only does the new Tallahatchie 2nd Edition have a new cover by designer Todd Hebertson (, it also has a newly redesigned interior with text edits included to better tell the story of Jack Hartman and his visit to the Mississippi Delta. Of course, I must give credit where it is due, so I want to pass on my special thanks to Dana Delamar ( for the interior design, and to Danna Shirley and Carol Carlson for their help with editing and proofing.
Now available in both paperback and Kindle editions the Tallahatchie 2nd Edition can be purchased from the Amazon website at: (
And…for the first time, the Tallahatchie 2nd Edition, is also available in a hardcover edition. Contact me via the contact form on this site ( for more information.
Here are excerpts from a couple of reviews of Tallahatchie:
At its heart, good fiction (southern or any other kind) is about good characters, half of whom you want to smack or laugh at, and all the action, feel, or setting won’t make up for weak ones. The author…absolutely nails a time and a region and it is a very well written story. …it is simply a really good novel. Period!
–William F. Brown, Author
WOW! …DeStefanis has proven to be a consummate story-teller, (as he) paints an incredible picture of life in the poor, impoverished Mississippi (Delta), with water skis, and bass fishing, and truck stops, sweet tea, and trips to the river casinos, and deer hunting, and a crazy employee related to the sheriff, and Memphis Blues…The story-telling reminds me of some of the best non-lawyer fiction by Mississippi favorite John Grisham—like A Painted House.
–Robert Enzenauer
Check it out yourself. I think you will be delighted.