Pay Attention to the RED FLAGS
Okay. Way back in the day, before it was cool or trendy or whatever, I was trained by the military for long-range recon. One of the things they taught us was to pay attention to our instincts—those subconscious red flags that occasionally wave well back in the depths of our minds. You know what I mean, I’m sure—the ones we often overlook, those little hints of darkness from which the timid quickly look away.
Now, I’m not a big conspiracy nut. I do believe we landed on the moon, and I do believe Nancy and Bernie are simply idiots and not controlled by George Soros, but there are some things nowadays we need to seriously question.
Here’s an example: It’s a Tuesday—2/19/19 to be exact—and I call an old buddy. He’s a crop-duster pilot. I mean he owns a fleet of planes—yes, and a whole lot more, but I won’t go into his somewhat classified resume. Anyway, it’s his birthday, so I give him a call. We shuck and jive a while and I repeatedly wish him “Happy Birthday” and tell him he’s pushing the envelope on becoming an official “senior citizen.”
After a few minutes, I hang up. As the God who looks over us all is my witness, three to four minutes later my cell phone starts buzzing and doing whatever cell phones do when you’re supposed to answer them. I do, but it’s not a call. It’s a text message:
+1 (818) 592-2144
Hi Rick, Birthday’s are a great
Time to review your Medicare
Coverage and options. Call your
Agent now at 818-592-2143 or
text STOP to unsubscribe.
Call it a coincidence only if you wish to steadfastly ignore the red flags, but don’t tell me the bastards aren’t listening. This is not the first “coincidence” of this nature I’ve experienced. And yes, I will testify ON THE RECORD.
And if I frightened any thumb-sucking snowflakes with this post, both Melody Hill and The Gomorrah Principle would be good reads for you. They are both novels based on real events that involved a lot of good but naïve men during the Vietnam War. Not paranoid? That’s okay. The world is full of sheep.

The Award-Winning Novel by Rick DeStefanis