Novel Bookstore in Memphis, DeSoto Arts Council Gallery, or Contact me to find the new hardcover editions. Paperback editions can be ordered through your favorite bookstore and Kindle editions can be found at

This is the new cover for the Tallahatchie 2nd Edition.

Rawlins, No Longer hardcover edition.
Novel Bookstore, located at 387 Perkins Avenue-extended in Memphis, now has available hardcover editions of Tallahatchie and Rawlins, No Longer Young. The 2nd Edition of Tallahatchie not only has the new hardcover but some interior changes as well. These hardcovers are also available at the DeSoto Arts Council Gallery, in Hernando, Mississippi. And, not to worry, if you do not live in the Memphis area and wish to get the hardcover, send a note to me via this website link: Tell me what you want and I will do my best to get it to you.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch: I am up to manuscript page #102 on the second Rawlins Series book: Rawlins, Into Montana. I am writing almost every day, and it is flowing well. Stay tuned. I may actually beat my fall delivery goal—hopefully by a bunch. And with that said…..
I will begin writing Book #5 in my Vietnam War Series sometime late this summer or early fall. I don’t want to give away the story too soon, but it will be a different group of men in this one, but that’s all I’ll say for now.
And then there’s this: I may soon run a Kindle count-down deal on the Kindle editions of Tallahatchie and Melody Hill. If you own an ereader device and want one of these for—not sure yet, but no more than $ .99 cents—watch my blog posts. It will be in the next week or so.